Review : Max Factor Lasting Performance in 105 Soft Beige
Foundation is one of the things I can
barely fall in love with. Why? It works amazing for skin imperfection and has
far better coverage than BBcream does, but sometimes the heavy coverage clogs
pores and causes more acnes on my skin (;A;
My skin is sensitive, oily, and acne-prone
which makes my journey to get a right foundation harder and longer than people
with normal skin has. I heard some good products that work on other people with
sensitive skin, but not all good products work well on me tho (´._.`)
When I first heard about this product from
ce Yennyca, I doubted it would work amazing on me. A foundation with medium
coverage? Even a light coverage foundation causes me breakouts! But it's Max
Factor, which mascara makes me fall in love with--mascara is also one of the
things I barely fall in love with. So I encouraged myself to give this
foundation a try.....nobody knows would it work well on me or not unless I
tried it myself!
The packaging is simple......way too
simple. And not attractive at all! It looks cheap, plastic tube with black
sleek plastic cap. But don't they say never judge a book by its cover?
So.....well let's try it!
It has 35ml, and only for IDR 80.000!
Cheap eh? It's a lot, and costs less than common drugstore products (/´▼`)/
The ingredients list. Ugh, it contains methylparaben and propylparaben!
I love this kind of tube, a squeeze type.
You can control the amount that you need so no wasting on the product! It's
hygienic too, because no contact with the product inside occurs.
I got mine in shade 105 Soft Beige. Think
it's a little bit too dark on my face, just a little bit tho. I swatched this
on my hand before buying it (a fatal mistake!) But luckily I missed just a
little bit. Phew!
It blends beautifully, without
making it looks too white or too cakey. The coverage is medium and buildable,
which I love ♥
This foundation also has natural finish
and great oil coverage too, but I usually set it with powder.
(P.S. : in these photos the foundation appears very yellow, please bear with the lighting! >.<)
♥ CHEAP. Only IDR 80.000 for 35ml!
BREAKOUTS!! ╮(´▼`)╭
almost not gonna buy this product because the packaging is not convincing!
✗ FRAGRANCED. It smells nice,
but sometimes it can be really disturbing to those who are allergic to
fragranced products.
YES OF COURSE! This is an amazing product, surely I will
Max Factor Lasting
Performance is surely a great product I really can scream of. It's cheap, and
it works far, far better than it costed me for a tube. The name suits it
performance though, it lasts on my oily face for 8 hours straight. No
oxidation, no breakouts, and no signs of irritation. What else could I ask for?
Have you ever tried this product? Buy one,
I know you will love it as my skin does! Take care now, the teacher is already
feeling so suspicious about me. Gotta go, bye ♥
26 kisses
kemarin waktu tanya-tanya foundie di counter MF, katanya ini cocok buat kondangan. tapi kok malah lebih murah dari yg pump ya? hahaha..
ReplyDeletethanks for the review yaaa, aku jadi pengen beli ^^
iya, ini coveragenya medium, cocok buat kondangan dan hari-hari yang sibuk banget seharian :D yang pump 110 ya, kalo nggak salah CMIIW. yang pump lebih ringan, ini lebih cover sih :p
Deleteiya thanks udah mampir juga, this is a great product seriously~ XD
aku sempet nanya2 pas mau beli, klo yg ii lbh long lasting. Klo yg pump 110ribu ada vitamin ato apaa gt pokoknya semacam itu lah :p katanya yg bagus yg pump, tp waktu mau beli shade ku ga ada. Jd nyoba yg ini ternyata bagusss xD
Deleteiya sesuai namanya ini long lasting banget! XD yang pump lebih cocok ke mature skin, CMIIW dan formulanya lebih ringan :p
Deletepump shadenya lebih masuk ke aku, tp kayanya ini lebih bagus jadi beli ini deh. packaging ga menarik tp WOW banget hasilnyaaaa~
Wahh murce juga nih 80 ribu, belum nemu foundie yg cocok juga.
iya murce banget kak, works really amazing juga! ini fondi yang nggak bikin breakout seriusan, meski medium coverage tapi gampang di blend juga wanginya gak harsh, suka bangeeeet <3
Deletedipake dong linnn.. penasaran jadinya kaya gimana kalo dipake di wajah hehehe
ReplyDeletedi FOTD sebelumnya aku pake ce, ntar yaaa aku update lagi postnya hehe lg breakouts nih, menjelang period XP menjauh dr makeup dulu ~
DeleteI'm glad that you really like this product!! :D We used to have Max Factor here in Canada, but they stopped selling it here. :( I am a big fan of good and lovely packaging, so I completely agree with you about how it could be better for this product.
so am I! XD never thought it'd be this great for me~ hehehehe. oh really? wow that sucks, but you can still purchase it online! drugstore sells max factor products even they don't have the complete collections though :(
Deletewah, ini bagus juga ya ternyata, tp aku lg pengen yg max factor pan udah pernah nyobain blm? hehe
ReplyDeletebaguuus! yang pan stick belum pernah coba sih, kayanya di counter sini ga ada ya? kok ga keliatan kapan hari hehe :p
Deletemau liat foto before after lin :D
ReplyDeleteiyaaa ce tunggu updatenyaaa~ XD
DeleteLin, foundie nya transfer-able ga? kalo dipake di leher trus kena2 di baju, warnanya nempel di baju ga? (bisa dicoba diusap pake tissue, warnanya nempel/ga) .. lagi nyari yg murmer + non transferable nih .. XD
ReplyDeletemakasi yaaa ^^
IMO kalo diusap tissue pasti transfer ke tisu >.< even only a little amount. di baju sih kayanya nggak transfer, asal nggak baru di apply trus kegeser baju aja hehe. lasts all day! XD
Deletehahaha .. iya sih, tapi beberapa foundie ga pindah lo ..
Deletehabis nyoba laura mercier compact tinted moisturizer tester, ga nempel loh .. tapi harganya omg *lol
ntar2 deh kalo MF udah buka di bali, maen2 kesono trus coba cobi ^^
thanks yaaa Lin ^^
laura mercier mahal bokssssss >.< hihi, dapet tester beli dimana say? aku pengen cobain juga deh hehe :p
Deleteiyaa, aku pengen lancome/MUFE, kalo si laura belum ada counternya di surabaya CMIIW, jd takut udah mahal salah beli shade, bisa mati x__x
iyaaa, dicobain deh, murce pisan (^O^)/
hehe ur welcome!
It seems to be yellow based? Or was it the lighting? I am more of a pink based toned so that is why i am asking lol
ReplyDeletenopeeee, it was the lighting! >.< sorry for confusing you eh..i am also a pink, and it works like a my-skin-but-darker on my face XD
DeleteAku dulu pernah nyoba lin fondie yg ini, pake sampe abisss... soalnya emang bagusss bgt buat fondi under 100k... tapi yg bikin ga repurchse lagi, ya itu... ga napsu sama pekejingnya...LOLs akhirnya beli yg second skin deh... tapi gak sepuas pake yg lasting perf. smp sekrang si second skin belom abis2 tuh, mau review di blog juga malesss.. XD
ReplyDeletebagus dan ga bikin breakout kak, that's why i loveeee <3
Deleteiya, pekejingnya gak banget, kaya fondi2 murah (emang murah si harganya... O.O)
yang second skin lebih light ya, knapa kok gak nepsu? ditunggu loh reviewnya, soalnya kayanya si second skin ga berat2 amat kan hehe..coba di review deh kak XD penasaran, banyak yg penasaran sama si second skin termasuk aku :p
Iya yg 2nd skin lebih light, coveragenya sheer to medium... klo yg lasting menurutku bisa sampe full coverage... suka sama 2nd skin gara2 pake pump aja trus kemasannya lebih bagus haha...
Deleteiya de ntar lain kali coba ripiu... :p
iyaaa, yang second skin masih keliatan "punya nama" gitu ya pekejingnya, yang ini udah deh ga ngelirik sm skali, ampir batal beli gara2 gak percaya sama botolnya XD
Deleteokeee, ditunggu jeng, sembuh dulu deh yang penting! *kiss
Nice review, kayaknya menarik banget, selama ini aq juga suka breakout klo pakai liquid foundie. Jadinya aq jarang banget pakai foundie, sehari2 pakai bb cream.
ReplyDeleteTapi ngeliat reviewmu jadi mupeng, harganya terjangkau pula kalau ngeliat kualitas finishnya...
thankyouuu penulis XD
Deleteiya, aku juga sama. awalnya aku nggak percaya lo sama fondie, biasanya bb cream juga. apalagi cakep sama skali! tp bagus ternyata, murah kok say coverage bagus juga XD