I'm So Jelly Giveaway
I’m entering another giveaway! This giveaway is held by I’m so Jelly, a cute gyaru from Canada! Oh I totally love her style and her blog….IT’S JUST SUPAAA AWSUM! \ ^o^ /
Here’s the link to the giveaway, or you can simply click the picture there on my left sidebar. Just click on the picture and tadaaaa you’re now brought to her site. She’s amazing, you should really check her blog her out. Oh, don’t miss her giveaway too. She’s giving away a lot of things I’m still far away from buying eh! >.< I wish I could win!!
Okay angels, bye for now, I'm preparing myself to go to bed because tomorrow morning I'm gonna attend a technical meeting for the next two days race. It's marketing rally game, wish I will win okay! Ciao, XX! Nice dreams, all.
2 kisses
Hello! Stumbled upon your blog, very cute blog! You look pretty on lens review post~ Keep writing ^^
good luck for the giveaway :D