If you are one of my Twitter followers, you must
have known that…..
So since my Canon PowerShot
A1100 IS was just too………old-fashioned and it couldn’t work properly anymore, I
asked Mams to buy me a new camera. I don’t want DSLR camera la, it’s too heavy
and not easy to carry around while travelling! I love pocket camera more
because it’s lightweight, simple, yet able to capture beautiful pictures—even
not as beautiful as DSLR will LOL. Pocket camera is enough for blogging and
reviewing purposes, so yeah I bought one again~
image credit belongs to indiapricebuzz.in |
I got Sony Cyber-Shot
DSCWX50. Actually I want to buy the DSCWX100, but it was sold out just ONE DAY
before I made the purchase. Bad luck me! (;A;
) DSCWX100 has 18.2MP lens and able to zoom until 20x while DSCWX50 has
only 16.8MP and able to zoom until 10x. Gah I still regret it lerrr!
But there’s one thing that
keeps bothering me…Okay, just take a look at these two pictures below :
This one is taken with my old
dumb Canon.
And this one…..
The two pictures above were
taken under the same lighting and the same composition. And WHAT, is it just me
or it’s the ugly truth that CANON
TOOK BETTER PICTURE???? Well Sony has 16MP lens when Canon only has 12MP.
Plus, the Canon is a 5 years-ago camera. HECK???? \(O.O\) (/O.O)/
I’m super, super stressed
and depressed! I keep asking people: which took picture better, but I haven’t
got the satisfying and “sounds right” answer!
This post is nothing
beauty-related, but really I’m very confused rite now! I want the decent and
eye-catching photos and pictures for my blog, and really, I really need honest
opinions from you guys! Please help me to develop and improve my blog! And oh,
since the moment is just soooooo right, let me ask you some questions that
relates to my post too~
Please help me by dropping
your thoughts below in the comment section, by answering these questions :
picture is better, and more eye-catching for my blog, and reviewing purposes?
What do you
suggest me to improve the picture’s quality so it turns more eye-catching?
Since buying new camera is nearly impossible in this year!
Do you
prefer me to do reviews in Bahasa or English? This one is in Bahasa, and this one is in English.
Do you
think my reviews are too long? Do I need to shorten it?
Are you
interested to reading my upcoming posts? What makes you are?
Do you
think this blog’s layout is already good and user-friendly?
Thank you for
participating, I badly want to hear from all of you guys! I’ve been so ‘galau’
these last days, because of this camera thingy (;A; ) Helppppppp!
11 kisses
1. new cam is better i think.. lebih jernih gitu...
ReplyDelete2. skip.. I'm still an amateur tho..
3. both,, :p *this is my very honest opinion loh*
4. yup,, blogmu sama panjangnya kaya blogku,, dan baru" ini setelah merenung kayanya blogku terlalu bertele" jadi IMO need to shorten our blog.. T^T
5. definitely!!!! blog kamu itu lucu banget dan easy reading.. love it!!! *eagerly awaited ur upcoming post* \(^,^)/
6. layout kamu udah sangat sangat" bagus dan user friendly kok.. kamu banget!! imut bener layoutnya.. <3
don't galau anymore ya sweety!! gaahhaa~ :p
really? all I concerned about was the quality of the pictures, beberapa bilang cam baru lebih bagus tp still can't believe it T___T
Deleteyesssss! aku juga merasa bertele2 banget hiks, tp dipendekin juga susah karena aku orangnya cerewet \(*o*)/and easily got excited about things! aaa~
thankyouuuu chichi (/T3T)/ for the feedback! I really appreciate your suggestions and thoughts, gak galau lagi deh! *kiss kiss*
bakal membenahi diri lagi! *emo semangat*
sebelum beli kamera mesti tau dulu sai klo resolusi pixel tidak menentukan kualitas foto. yang penting adalah kesensitifan warna dan fokus.
ReplyDeleteemm...sony bagus kok..keliatan gambar sony jauh lbh oke..:)
canon warna nya suka kacau, terlalu warm (kekuning2an), trus autosoft jadi lebih flawless tapi akibatnya sedikit buram..cocok untuk foto2 potret kayak wedding or photoshoot. klo swatch suka ngaco..haaha
nikon warna nya tajam, kontras nya tinggi, fokus-nya super, jadi hati2 sama noda2 wajah, BAKAL KELIATAN LEBIH PARAH. tapi oke banget biar review & swatch..
sony di antara-nya.. tp tetap bergantung sama spek dan harga masing2 sih, tergantung seri kamera-nya juga, ada yg oke pada masing2 merk..:)
bahasa indonesiaaaa...:D
merryyyyyyyyyy!! XD
Deleteback to blogging lagi yaa ! >o< hehehe!
iya, aku cenderung suka yang warm gitu, makanya mostly foto-foto aku kan pakai yang lampu kuning itu biar keliatan lebih unyu #salahgaul
makanya mungkin lebih demen sama canon gitu..
nikon cantik buat swatch emang, kuakuin! *dasar pinjem temen nikon DSLR buat jepret-jepret sekali2* hehehe. kamu pake apa mer? ini sony yg terbaru rasanya, ditokonya liat dia hasil fotonya cakep, jd dibeli deh..
really? why! XD
anyway thankyou commentnyaaaa syg <3
Haii! :)
ReplyDeleteAku ga jawab semua pertanyaan yah :P
Aku bukan pengguna Sony, jadi aku kurang tahu speks sama kekurangan kelebihan. Tapi gambar diatas udah oke koq :D mungkin kamu pake mode "macro" atau "premium auto" aja buat foto produk/botol2 kecil, utk mempertegas tulisan sama botolnya. Utk background ga terlalu penting kan?
Iyah, Canon memang warnanya soft :) cocok buat foto keluarga, foto bareng, foto manusialah intinya. Nikon tajam, cocok buat foto pemandangan :D
Aku sekarang sih pake Casio XD haha..
Layout blog udah oke banget koq :) punyaku lebih datar malah. Lebih simpel. Haha :P ga usah terlalu fancy dan catchy, utk aku (dan mungkin general readers) lebih suka yang simpel gini :) hehe
Kalau english pembaca km lebih banyak gitu, tapi ya preference sih ;) kamu lebih nyaman nulis yang mana. Aku slalu english sih karena aku lebih nyaman english :D
short review sebenernya oke, tapi long review is better. itu opiniku~ yah soalnya aku lg kerja review kamera nih :x dan review yang panjang lebih di appreciate sama sponsornya, jadi menurutku gitu, kalo short review kesannya kl pembaca mau tau lebih jauh mereka harus tanya2 kamu lg, dan itu bg mereka merepotkan. jadi my answer is long review is better. ganbatte for it! XD
sorry panjang banget :P
hai konayachi~ XD
Deletehehe iya nggak apa, thankyou udah mau kasih feedback. udah seneng banget kamu mau ikutan ngasih saran & jawab pertanyaanku..hehehe!
iya, untungnya kamera aku auto sih langsung jadi macro buat detail kecil kayak tulisan begitu. yang bikin aku masih jatuh hati sama si canon adalah warnanya, looks so vintage! >.< duh, really gotta get over this obsession~
bagus-bagus hasil foto kamu, terang juga dan jelas! :D
aku lebih prefer english sih, karna bisa sekalian improving my skill kan. kalo bahasa Indonesia kadang aku jujur rada susah nulis pakai bahasa yang baku, hehe, dan bisa jadi lebih cerewet kalo pakai bahasa Indonesia. nulis reviewnya juga lebih lama, argh! weird eh? >.<
iya kadang kalo kurang lengkap aku takut org malah nggak jelas hehehe..
iya nggak apa, thanks again for the feedback! hug and kiss from me! XOXO *chu
followed back dear XD
ReplyDeleteoliinn.. knp ya aku kok ga bs block tulisan di blogmu? o.o
ReplyDelete1. Aku prefer hasilnya sony :) lebih bagus, klo canon terlalu kuning.
2. Hmm untuk lbh eye-catching ya? menurutku yg skrg ni udh bagus kok ^^ pertahankan :D yg perlu diimprove mungkin ketajaman tulisan fotonya hehe
3. English :D but Bahasa is ok, terserah km lbh suka yg mana ;)
4. Not too long :D smakin detail smakin bagus, tp jgn terlalu panjang jg hehe
5. i like your blog template :D simple is the best!
ahhh iya ce aku pasang HTML yang buat ga bisa block, menghindari copas (padahal nggak ada yang mau copas) XD
Deletehehehe >.<
thankyouuuuu for the feedback ce shelvi! XD and oh, btw, changed my blog template. hope it's cuter than before and you like it! XD
I think the new camera picture is better. . . the old one has that nice warm colour tint and I can see why you like it but the new one is clearer and gives a more accurate picture in terms of colours of the products too!
ReplyDeleteI'd have to say I'd prefer reviews in English as that's all I can read - but it's up to you! :)
I've just found your blog on the Winter Blog Hop and now following x
yes, i'm started to agree with what people say..the new camera is better since it gives more accurate colors thank the old one. thankyou for sharing your thoughts here! :D
Deleteyes i prefer English too, so my international readers can easily read the reviews i write <3
thankyou, i'm following back! x